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Cong. Mangaoang files bill establishing forest limit in Kalinga

Writer's picture: Menchie KinaoMenchie Kinao

Updated: Sep 6, 2022

Tabuk City, Kalinga – Kalinga representative Allen Jesse Mangaoang filed House Bill 4119, seeking the establishment of a specific forest limit in the province to conserve the remaining forest cover, prevent its further degradation, and advance sustainable development.

The measure, proposed by Mangaoang on August 26, was referred to the Committee on Natural Resources where it remains pending since August 31.

The lawmaker noted that the move is in accordance to Section 16, Article II of the 1987 Constitution which provides that “the State shall protect and advance the right of the people to a balanced and healthful ecology in accord with the rhythm and harmony of nature.”

Also, Mangaoang cited Section 4, Article XII of the constitution stating that marked specific limits of forestlands and national parks shall be conserved and may not be increased or diminished, except by law. The Congress, it added, shall provide measures to prohibit logging in endangered forests and watershed areas.

“The Province of Kalinga is richly endowed with natural resources and forest products. These natural reserves, being the main sources of livelihood and food production in the province, are slowly succumbing to destructive human exploitations,” underscored the congressman.

He further stressed that ‘the forestlands and their uses have changed overtime and it is imperative to identify the limits for forestry purposes vis-à-vis environmental protection and the requirements for development.’

Scope of the bill

According to the bill, the permanent forest estate of Kalinga is composed of one block of upland forestland with an aggregate area of around 208,326.26 hectares, while the alienable and disposable lands of the province consist of 18 blocks with an aggregate area of around 9,674.77 hectares.

Boundaries were duly specified based on the Forest Land Boundary Map of Kalinga.

Under the bill, a strip of 20 meters on both sides of rivers creeks and lakes shall be retained for forest purposes. Said areas shall not be subject to titling and are beyond human commerce.

Upon its approval, the Department of Environment and Natural Resources (DENR) shall establish permanent boundary monuments on the ground. The department shall likewise ensure that the forest cover and vegetation therein shall be protected, preserved and enhanced.


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