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  • Writer's pictureLeonora Lo-oy

92 Tabuk business establishments found non-compliant to minimum health standards

Updated: Aug 26, 2021

Tabuk City, Kalinga – Around 92 business establishments in the city were found non-compliant to minimum health standards. With this, the city’s Business Permit Licensing Office (BPLO) Chief reminds those concerned to comply or risk their business for closure.

During the 3rd quarter press forum of Tabuk Local Government Unit, BPLO Chief Pierre Galicia reported that of the more than 120 medium and large enterprises like restaurants and groceries they have inspected so far, 92 were non-compliant.

He said that they usually check for disinfectant or alcohols, logbook for contact tracing, foot baths at the entrance, thermal scanners, observance of social distancing among others in the establishment.

Galicia, during the event, said that after they issued two violation notices to a non-compliant establishment, the business can be closed or the owner will face charges.

“Nu maikkan ka ti two violation notices, the next course of action of the city is to close or file a case against you. Ket dagitoy kuma ti iw-iwasan mi ta dakami met ket haan mi met kayat nga aramiden dayta. Ngem of course daytoy city ket protektaran da ti pagmayatan ti kaadduwan,” he said.

The BPLO Chief added that they inspect establishments one at a time and that they were done inspecting along Dagupan and are now starting in Bulanao.


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