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  • Writer's pictureDianne Jayne Lumines

97 families in Balbalan affected by 15-day lockdown, relief assistance sent

Balbalan, Kalinga― Balbalan put two barangays under lockdown until January 23, 2021, affecting 97 families.

In an interview with Balbalan Mayor Eric Gonayon, Sr., he said that they have imposed a 15-day lockdown to two barangays, Talalang and Poblacion to contain the sudden surge of COVID-19 cases.

Meantime, Philippine Institute of Civil Engineers (PICE) Kalinga-Apayao Chapter partnership with Department of Public Works and Highways Upper Kalinga District Engineering Office (UKDEO) sent relief assistance to over 97 families who were severely affected by COVID-19 at Barangay Talalang, Balbalan.

PICE Kalinga-Apayao Chapter collected PhP50,000 worth of donations from the members of the organization which was then utilized to purchase goods.

There were 99 relief packages containing 10pcs noodles 3cans of sardines, 3 cans of corned beef, 1kilo sugar, 1kilo salt, 6 sachets milo, 3sachets toothpaste, 2 sachets safeguard, 2 bars tops and 1 bottle alcohol were delivered personally by the organization on January 15, 2021.

Meanwhile, Gonayon mentioned that aside from the LGU, there was counterpart assistance given to the affected barangays from the SWAT-Kalinga, Provincial Local Government Unit and barangay LGUs.

As of today, Balbalan has 51 COVID-19 active cases, 23 in Talalang, 19 in Poblacion, 4 in Balantoy, 2 in Balbalan Proper, 2 in Pantikian, and 1 Gawaan.

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