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  • Writer's picture Mark Moises Calayan

College student struck by van while crossing street in Cagayan

Updated: May 19

Sanchez Mira, Cagayan - A 21-year-old student in Cagayan died after he was hit by a van on Tuesday, May 14, 2024.


The casualty, identified as Jaymar Agarpao, is a second-year student at the Cagayan State University- Sanchez Mira campus.


He was a resident of Fuga Island, Aparri but was renting a boarding house in Barangay Namuac, Sanchez Mira.

According to police reports, Jaymar was on his way home after finishing his class that day when he met the tragic accident.


CCTV footage showed that Jaymar was crossing the pedestrian lane in front of said school when a gray van struck him all of a sudden.


The van driver was identified as a 29-year-old businesswoman, who is a native of Laoag City, Ilocos Norte, and is currently managing a business in Santa Praxedes, Cagayan.


Due to the force of the impact, Jaymar sustained severe injuries to various parts of his body. The rescue team rushed him to a hospital immediately, but he did not survive.


Meanwhile, the suspect is now in police custody for proper documentation. She was charged with reckless imprudence resulting in homicide.

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