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  • Writer's pictureChristian Malnawa

GIP scholars to serve as tutors for academically-challenged students in Kalinga

Updated: Apr 12

Tabuk City, Kalinga – Alarmed with the rise of students facing difficulties in comprehension skills based on reports by the Union of Local Authorities of the Philippines, Governor James Edduba plans to utilize the Government Internship Program (GIP) in solving said educational issues.


The plan was relayed by the governor in the flag ceremony conducted on Monday, April 8, 2024.


The provincial government, according to the governor, will be collaborating with concerned agencies such as the Department of Labor and Employment and the Department of Education in the implementation of said strategy.


Through the GIP, those benefitting from it would be tasked to tutor identified students facing challenges academically.


In the implementation of said program, the education department would be tapped in the provision of data on where the schools facing such problems are located.


Apart from providing a solution to said pressing issue, the governor likewise said the PLGU will also look at resolving socio-economic factors contributing to the academic struggles of the students.


With this plan in mind, the governor said the provincial government will identify the root causes surrounding said academic struggles to also ensure that every yKalinga youth will be provided with needed support while studying.


"Pati dagiyay eskwelaan nga adda ti saan nga makaeskwela nga usto nga gapu ti rigat, we will identify the students ta suportaran tayo,” he underscored.


“We will make a way to understand and find out the reasons why there are low performing students. It could be because of the students' situation. Saan tayo nga ipalubos nga diyay rigat ti biag iti rason nga manglapped iti arapaap iti maysa nga ubing tapnu makaeskwela. Every ykalinga should be given an equal opportunity,” he added.


Who are GIP scholars?


GIP scholars are college graduates provided with temporary employment while they are also given work experience they might need when applying for future jobs.

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