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  • Writer's pictureLeonora Lo-oy

4 DPWH personnel 1 sub-contractor in Cordillera lost life to Ulysses

Baguio City, Philippines – The region is lamenting the death of four Department of Public Works and Highways personnel in the Cordillera after becoming casualties of landslide due to Ulysses.

These four, identified as Engr. John Mutog Limoh, Engr Julius Binohlan Gulayan Jr., Joel Ballag Chur-ig, driver and Johnny M. Duccog, labourer and Roldan Pigoh, DPWH sub-contractor, were conducting clearing operations on roads in Viewpoint, Banaue, Ifugao when the incident happened.

While doing their duty on November 12, a heavy rain poured which forced them to take shelter to their bank house to wait for the rain to stop. Sadly, a landslide occurred which rammed the house burying the personnel along with other stranded individuals who were with them.

According to DPWH – Cordillera Administrative Region, the bodies of Chur-ig and Duccog were recovered on November 13 while Limoh and Gulayan’s were retrieved this November 15, the third day of the search and retrieval operation.

All three men are married with kids. Chur-ig has 4 children. Duccog his 3, and Limoh has 2. Gulayan, on the other hand, is a 24-year-old who just appointed as permanent Engineer II this June 2020.

“….these individuals went beyond what was expected of them in the call of their duties. These beautiful souls will serve as an inspiration for us to go on. They are whom we call heroes in their own right. They make us proud to be a part of this organization,” stated DPWH – CAR.

The other laborer was unharmed as he was on the other side of the road being instructed to check the equipment and to buy some food.

Meanwhile, Public Works Secretary Mark Villar in his statement said, “my thoughts and prayers go out to our personnel who bravely served our country and payed the ultimate price. We will extend all efforts to look for the missing and support the families of the victims. Let us pray that those missing will be found.”

Meanwhile, it was earlier reported by Office of the Civil Defense-CAR Director Albert Mogol reported in a Press Conference this November 13 that there was one who survived the landslide incident and was already in a stable condition.

As of 8 AM this November 16, there were 11 reported deaths in the region and up for further validation of the MDM, according to CRDRRMC Emergency Operation Center. Moreover, 3 are injured and there is still one missing from the landslide in Banaue.




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