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What could be the best solution to eradicate marijuana in Kalinga?

Writer's picture: Tinglayan LGUTinglayan LGU

Tinglayan, Kalinga – In a bid to reduce if not to totally eradicate cultivation of marijuana in the province, particularly in the identified barangays in Tinglayan, the Local Government Unit along with law enforcers, national line agencies, and office of the Congressman, barangay officials and elders convened to craft a plan addressing the marijuana problem.

These agencies include the Department of Environment and Natural Resources, Bureau of Fisheries and Aquatic Resources, Department of Agriculture, National Commission on Indigenous Peoples, and the Department of Public Works and Highways.

The convention was done at the open gym of the LGU on October 20 in Barangay Poblacion.

At the convention, the line agencies presented their livelihood programs, grants, and projects which the people from the barangays with marijuana plantations can avail.

Congressman Allen Jesse Mangaoang likewise proposed the formation of a task force in which all barangay captains from the identified barangays will be included. Mangaoang stressed the need for participation and for the people involved to decide for themselves what kind of livelihood and projects they want and need.

The Deputy Regional Director for Operations of PNP-CAR, PCol. Ronald Gayo requested the leaders of the affected barangays to plant anything except marijuana. This could greatly help in reducing the marijuana drug trade involving the province.

Meantime, Tinglayan LGU, under the leadership of Mayor Sacrament Gumilab, expressed its willingness and determination to find means to clear plantations and the illegal drug in the municipality.

During the open forum and consultation part of the convention, elders and barangay officials voiced out concerns about projects which may not be useful to them. They likewise requested more road openings to barangays for access and easier transport of crops harvested.

Other recommendations that arose from the discussion include the renewal of the ordinance against the cultivation of marijuana plants, as well as the integration of the out-of-school youth in fighting against drug use.


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