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  • Jomela Dela Torre

35 STEP scholars in Flora, Apayao receive training support to boost hog production, organic agriculture

Flora, Apayao - Mayor Rodolfo Juan recently led the distribution of the awarding of Training Support allowance to the 35 scholars in Flora under the Special Training Employment Program (STEP), on Sunday, August 11, at barangay Atok.


About P123,200.00 was distributed thru TESDA. The scholars received their training allowance amounting of P160.00 daily. The disbursement occurs in two installment 50 % at the beginning and 50% upon completion of the training.


These STEP scholars are involved in raising organic hogs and training to Produce Organic Fertilizer (POF) and Produce Organic Concoctions and Extract (POCE), which is hoped to add to the effort of the town to boost production of hogs and organic farming. The training allowance shall cover the free assessment fee and training cost, 11 days for POF and 11 days for POCE.


Implemented by the Technical Education and skills Development Authority (TESDA), said programs aimed to enhance crucial and specific skills among trainees, promote employment through entrepreneurship, self-employment, and service-oriented activities.


Their training was conducted by the Flora Agri Tourism Farm and A & G Training and Assessment Center Inc.


Flora LGU said, the initiative was funded by the office of the Congresswoman Eleanor Bulut-Begtang, in partnership with the Provincial government of Apayao led by Governor Elias C. Bulut Jr.


Mayor Juan, together with Vice Mayor Jeofrey Blas, and LGU officials affirmed their incessant support to such endeavors saying, they will look for more employment opportunities to help their constituents.

Meantime, the distribution was witnessed by SB. Genevive L Cacacho, SB Vic Maruquin, Ms. Chona Roque-Manager/Owner of Flora agri tourism Farm, Ms. Carmen Del Mundo - TESDA Representative, Congress staff and few MPS Flora personnel.

