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Apayao LEDIPO records 328 yApayao residents granted livelihood aid in 3 years; over P10.8M utilized

Writer's picture: Arjay BaysaArjay Baysa

Luna, Apayao – The Local Economic Development and Investment Promotion Office (LEDIPO) on Monday said a total of 328 residents across the province have been provided business opportunities and livelihoods since its inception in 2022, constituting a sum of P10,833,649 million cash disbursement.

In three(3) years, P4,550,000 million beneffited 129 eligible applicants in Kabugao; P1,634,149million for the eligible 53 beneficiaries in Pudtol; P1,399,500 for the selected 45 in Luna; P975,000.00 thousand for the 27 in Conner; P895,000.00 thousand for the 28 in Santa Marcela; P770,000.00 thousand for the 23 in Flora; and P610,000.00 thousand for the 23 in Calanasan.

Apayao LEDIPO Chief Philip Uba, in previous interviews, said the initiative is under the livelihood component of Governor Elias C. Bulut's Jr. banner program Apayao Socio-Economic Efforts Necessary for Growth (ASENG) designed to promote investments and livelihood ventures for yApayaos, helping them to generate more income for their needs.

"I would like to emphasize this is not a mere grant, hindi ito Ayuda but a business opportunity designed to grow, and eventually become a source of livelihood to generate additional income for families and later benefits the whole community," Uba underscored.

"This special program of our Governor which is being implemented through our office, doesn't only end in giving the money to qualified applicants, but we conduct post evaluation monitoring to assess its success," he added.

Beneficiaries, meantime are engaged in the following business categories such as Accommodation and Food Service activities/Hotel and Restaurant, Crop and Animal Production, Handicraft/Weaving and Wood Production/Furniture, Food processing, Textile and Clothing, Paper printing and publishing, Wholesale/Retail trade/Repair Services, and Health and Social Work (Spa, Massage).

LEDIPO staff Kristine Valen Lactam Ballesteros said successful recipients are only granted once for their proposed projects and it is expected from them to adhere to the guidelines outlined in the Implementing Rules and Regulations (IRR), specifically to make said ventures grow.

Working jointly with LEDIPO for this initiative are the Provincial Office of Agriculture Services (POAS), the Provincial Social Welfare and Development Office (PSWDO), and the Provincial Veterinary Office (PVET).

