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‘230 unscheduled brownouts in past 2 months; main causes technical and environmental’ - KAELCO

Writer's picture:  Mark Moises Calayan Mark Moises Calayan

Tabuk City, Kalinga – Unscheduled power interruptions are one of the common concerns of Kalinga residents in the past days.


To answer said issue, along with other concerns, Kalinga-Apayao Electric Cooperative (KAELCO) held a press conference on Wednesday, July 31, at its main office in Bulanao, Tabuk City.


During the press conference, KAELCO Corporate Plan Chief Leonardo Edcatan shared that there were 230 incidences of unscheduled disruptions in different places in Kalinga in the past two months.

Of these 230 incidents, 83 were recorded in the month of July while 147 were in June.


As for the reasons of these interruptions, Edcatan cited that common causes were ‘technical issues and environmental factors’, while some were undetermined or they happened due to unknown reasons


“Dagidiay kayo nga simmagid iti linya, kawayan nga simmagid ti linya… And then dagitoy insulators nga nadadael … and then the others dagitoy ti makaited ti concern kasi unknown diay reason … di apan patrolen ti line man tayo nu anya ti possible nga cause awan ti makita da,” he said.


To further improve its services, KAELCO officials said they are employing various measures and strategies to reduce power interruptions to its more than 60,000 member-consumers in the province.


These include vegetation management, upgrading facilities, right-of-way clearing, better monitoring, strengthened implementation of RA 11361 or the Anti Obstruction of Power Lines Act, among others.



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