Pasil, Kalinga – In a bid to make the issuance of business permits run smoothly, Pasil municipal government opened Business One-Stop Shop (BOSS) 2023.
For this year, the BOSS in the locality started on Jan. 03 to streamline the processing of business permits by putting offices of government agencies involved in the registration of businesses in a single destination.
Likewise, the one-stop shop aims to shorten the processing time of business permits and licenses release which normally take three to 20 days, according to the information released by the Municipal Treasury Office.
Pursuant to the implementation of Republic Act No. 11032 or the Ease of Doing Business Law, the municipality gathered the agencies concerned in giving business licenses and permits at the Treasury Office in Amdalao, Guina-ang.
Among these are the Department of Trade and Industry in charge of the issuance of business name registration certificates; the Bureau of Internal Revenue for a certificate of registration; the Bureau of Fire Protection for fire safety inspection certificate; and Municipal Health Office for a sanitary permit.
For easier and faster registration, entrepreneurs are advised to proceed to the online application platform through prod1.ebpls.com/pasilkalinga/index.php/login.
For further inquiries, business owners may message Mto Pasil Facebook account.